Learn basic words and reserve a scooter in Montenegrin
12. 12. 2024.Be a Montenegrin while you are in Montenegro! You know how nice it is when someone abroad greets you in your native language, and then you feel truly welcome in that country. That's why in this blog we bring you several words and phrases that are used in everyday speech in Montenegro. Or as we locals like to say: "Speak Montenegrin so everyone can understand you!"
Keep in mind that even in the surrounding countries like Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, everyone understands these words, so they will serve you even if you are a tourist somewhere in our neighborhood.
Greetings in the Montenegrin language
Learn basic greetings in the Montenegrin language. So let's go:
• Hello – zdravo,
• good morning – dobro jutro,
• good afternoon – dobar dan,
• good evening – dobro veče,
• goodbye – doviđenja.
Now that we've learned the basic greetings, it's time to introduce ourselves, in order to do that you need to know how to say:
• My name is – Moje ime je,
• I come from – Dolazim iz…,
• I am 20 years old – Imam 20 godina,
• I work as.../ I'm studying... – Radim kao.../ Studiram...
We are aware that during your stay in any country, one of the information you need is where the bus and train station or the airport are located. Here's how you can ask:
• Where is the bus/train station? – Gdje je autobuska/željeznička stanica?
• How can I get to the airport? – Kako mogu doći do aerodroma?
• Turn left/right - Turn left/right, - skrenite lijevo/desno,
• go straight – idite pravo.
Considering that you are staying in a country that has a rich gastronomic offer, it is important that you know how to order food, it would be a shame to leave without trying Montenegrin specialties. We will start with the basic meal names:
• breakfast – doručak,
• lunch – ručak,
• dinner – večera,
• drink - piće,
• meal – jelo,
• water – voda,
• juice – sok,
• wine – vino,
• beer – pivo,
• Can I have a menu? – Mogu li dobiti meni?
• I want to order…- Želim da poručim…,
• Can I have the bill please? - Mogu li da dobijem račun?
• Is it possible to pay by card or do you only accept cash? - Da li se može platiti karticom ili primate samo gotovinu?
Once you've learned the basics, it's time to tell you how you can rent a scooter at the Queen scooters agency in our language:
• I want to rent a scooter in Montenegro - Želim da iznajmim skuter u Crnoj Gori ,
• What scooter models do you offer? – Koje modele skutera imate u ponudi?
• How much does it cost to rent a scooter per day? – Koliko košta iznajmljivanje skutera po danu?
• What equipment do I get when renting a scooter? – Koju opremu dobijam prilikom iznajmljivanja skutera?
• Are there any special conditions when renting? – Da li postoje neki posebni uslovi prilikom iznajmljivanja?
• I want to rent a scooter in Tivat – Želim da iznajmim skuter u Tivtu,
• I want to rent a scooter in Herceg Novi – Želim da iznajmim skuter u Herceg Novom.
Congratulations, you have mastered the basics of the Montenegrin language! Rent a scooter in Kotor or anywhere in Montenegro and start your adventure today with our scooter hire service.